Here are some lovely pieces of artwork by our Junior & Senior Infants!

Here are some pictures of the action in our Winter Hurling League which got up and running today.
Mrs Brosnan then brought the children outside where the ‘flights’ took place. Following this the children used the measuring skills they have been honing this week during maths to measure the distance travelled by their creations. Well done to Christian whose plane flew the furthest!
Our Active School Flag committee began the New Year with a meeting to start working on new initiatives for 2019. The school has been working on different elements of the Active School Flag programme since the start of the school year and now the committee will place more emphasis on break times and on planning for Active School Week.
An extra award, decided on by Ms O’Dwyer and Mrs. Brosnan, is presented to pupils for a particular act of kindness or to pupils who have completed an exemplary piece of work in school. Well done to the latest recipient of this award.
There are plenty examples of festive writing to be seen on the walls as well.
Well done to the winning team who got a very impressive 60 questions out of 64 correct, pipping the second placed team to victory by one point.
The pupils documented what the coins looked like before submerging them in Coca Cola for 24 hours and then checked the results. The majority of groups noticed a big difference in the coins once they gave them a clean up once they came out of the coke.