
Christmas Shows

Congratulations to all involved in our Christmas Shows this week.

The well attended shows were very entertaining and the boys and girls deserve huge credit for the work they did in preparation.

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the children and their school and well done to Mrs Murphy, Ms Davis and Mr Gubbins.

Star Awards – November

Congratulations to our Star Award winners for November! One pupil from each classroom was selected by their class teacher and the award winners were presented with certificates at today’s assembly. They were also given a night off homework for their efforts!


An extra award, decided on by Ms O’Dwyer and Mrs. Brosnan, is presented to pupils for a particular act of kindness or to pupils who have completed an exemplary piece of work in school. Well done to the latest recipient of this award.

Mathletics November Numeracy Challenge

Herbertstown NS recently took part in The November Numeracy Challenge 2018 – an online maths competition contested by Mathletics schools from across Europe, the UK, the Middle East and Africa.


The competition was run over one week, seeing students compete in live, multi-player challenges plus answering self-paced adaptive maths curriculum questions, all using Mathletics.

Throughout the week, Herbertstown NS pupils were well placed on the national scoring charts and our classes featured very prominently in Ireland’s top 20 schools. Once the final results were totted up from all participating schools around the world, Herbertstown NS placed 75th out of over 400 schools. Upon closer inspection of the results, it became clear that Herbertstown NS was the highest ranked school from the Republic of Ireland!


Well done to everyone that put in such a huge effort both in school and at home.


Mathletics will continue to be a valuable resource for our pupils for the rest of the school year with plenty of certificates and prizes still to be won.

South Primary Schools Handball 2018

Herbertstown NS pupils show off their handball skills.


Well done to the four pupils who represented the school today in the South Limerick Primary Schools Handball event hosted by John the Baptist CS. The boys played some great handball and are making great progress in the game. Two pupils came home with South medals in a very competitive U11 division. Congratulations boys.

Liam MacCarthy Cup Visits Herbertstown NS

The Liam MacCarthy Cup makes its first ever visit to Herbertstown NS!


There were great scenes of celebration and excitement today as the pupils and staff of Herbertstown NS, as well as a good number of local people, welcomed All Ireland winners Pat Ryan and Darragh O’Donovan to the school. The two Limerick stars were accompanied by Alan Feely who was a hurler carrier for the team and Limerick Games Development Officers Noel Hartigan and Ollie Coffey. Perhaps the most welcome visitor of all though was the Liam MacCarthy Cup and it was wonderful to have it here in the school.


The pupils performed music, asked questions and sang Limerick You’re a Lady for their guests before Pat and Darragh spoke to everyone. They pointed out how important their time in Doon CBS Primary School was to their development as hurlers and encouraged the boys and girls to have their hurleys in their hands at every available opportunity.


Afterwards, the players posed with the entire school for what will be a treasured photograph for our pupils and staff.


We are very lucky in Limerick to have such fantastic ambassadors for our county.

All Ireland Junior Football Winners Visit the School

Members of the victorious Limerick Ladies Football team visited the school on Friday.


Megan O’Shea, Orlaith O’Donoghue and Louise Ryan brought the West County Cup to Herbertstown NS and gave some great advice and tips to the children. All three are members of St Brigid’s Ladies Football Club and links were made between the girls who play football in the school and their chances of one day playing in Croke Park. Megan said “when Limerick last won this cup in 2010, I was looking on in Croke Park just like some of you were.”


The pupils asked questions, sang ‘Limerick, You’re a Lady’ and the school’s musicians performed Amhrán na bhFiann.


Megan, Orlaith & Lucy stayed on to allow time for the children to lift the cup and take photographs. They are great ambassadors for their club and county.