
Experiments & More

Science Week


Third/Fourth class looked at the use of arches in construction through studying the strength of eggshells. The class used maths books to test the strength of 4 egg shell halves. An amazing 14 books were stacked on the shells before they broke!


1st Class pupil makes ‘catch-in-cup’ game at home for Science Week.


Third/Fourth Investigate Capillary Action

2nd and 3rd Class Become Engineers for Science Week

Mr. Gubbins’ class became architects and engineers for science week when they looked at how bridges are built.

First, they learned about the longest suspension bridges in the world – some of them nearly reaching an amazing 2km in length! Next, they created a list of words that describe a strong bridge, including: ‘sturdy’, ‘supported’ and ‘stable’. Then it was down to work!
In groups, the girls and boys task was to create a bridge across their desks that a toy car could drive across. They were given points for teamwork, the strength of the bridge, and the overall bridge design. Some fantastic problem solving and cooperation was seen by all the groups and, although some bridges didn’t go exactly to plan, lots was learned about what makes a bridge strong and safe. It was great fun!

GAA 5 Star Centre

What is the GAA 5 Star Centre?

The GAA 5 Star initiative aims to support and recognise Primary Schools that provide pupils with 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous Gaelic Games activity per week in a manner that ensures the children will experience fun, friendship, fairness and ultimately improve their fitness.  Recognition as a “GAA 5 Star Centre” is awarded to Primary Schools that undertake to deliver a programme of Gaelic Games activity that is age-appropriate and meets the developmental needs of children within the school.


Herbertstown NS is one of  a number of schools accepted to pilot this new initiative from the GAA and so far this year we have been making progress on a number of areas. For the next 6 weeks, 3rd & 4th class and 5th & 6th class will be focusing on the ‘Have a Ball’ and ‘Strike It’ elements of the initiative.


Here are some photos of the pupils taking part in some activities earlier today.



Science Week in Full Swing

Science Week is in full swing in Herbertstown NS!


In the Senior Infants/1st classroom the boys and girls have been busy exploring materials and their properties.

In third/fourth class the pupils investigated how sound travels through different materials. The experiment involved using a clothes hanger and string to tap off objects and observe the sound made. The pupils then repeated this while holding the string in their ears. The experiment produced some interesting results!


Third/Fourth also investigated the buoyancy of objects in fresh water vs salt water.

Star Awards – October

Congratulations to our Star Award winners for October! One pupil from each classroom was selected by their class teacher and the award winners were presented with certificates at today’s assembly. They were also given a night off homework for their efforts!


A new award was added at this month’s assembly. The award, decided on by Ms O’Dwyer and Mrs. Brosnan, is presented to pupils for a particular act of kindness or to pupils who have completed an exemplary piece of work in school. Well done to the first two recipients of this award.



Year Long Investigation into Pumpkins

Our current fourth/fifth class completed a year long investigation into the life cycle of pumpkins.


In October of 2017 we harvested the seeds from a shop-bought pumpkin which we were using for our Halloween Jack O’Lantern. We cleaned the seeds and placed them in a cool, dry place until 2018.


In the Spring of 2018, we planted the seeds in small cups and placed them on the classroom windowsill. From here we monitored their growth and ensured they were getting plenty of sunshine and water. After a couple of weeds we transplanted the now growing plants to larger pots.


Once the plants were large enough, we started to harden off the plants by placing them outside during the day and taking them in before hometime.


Finally, before the holidays, the pupils were able to bring them home for their own gardens.


Here are some pictures below of the pumpkins the children grew from their plants!

One of the pumpkins on a visit to the school!

Luke’s pumpkin

Katie’s Pumpkin

Christian’s pumpkin



Science Project Features in Irish Independent

A project by our current fifth class was highlighted in Wednesday’s edition of the Irish Independent.

‘Is Ash the only wood for the Clash’ was a project undertaken by the class and was presented at the RDS Primary Science Fair earlier this year in Limerick. The project was very well received and in an article where next year’s fair and its new sponsors were being launched, the project was mentioned as one of the most memorable.


In the piece below, you can read the thoughts of judge and camogie player Rena Buckley.

Maths Week Quiz

Well done to our pupils who participated in the Maths Quiz hosted by John the Baptist Community School.


The quiz took place during Maths Week and in a very competitive event, the Herbertstown NS team finished in 1st place. The pupils picked up vouchers for O’Mahony’s Booksellers and certificates for their efforts. Well done to everyone that took part!

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