
Water Forum

On Friday 19th January the Green Schools Committee went to the Woodlands Hotel in Adare for a Water Forum, where the Committee members represented Herbertstown NS as a model school to other schools present, in order to show them how to go about achieving the Water Flag.


Mr.Davern was teaching the 5th and 6th class students  for  spike  ball this  year. They’ve been practising  for the big day. The spike ball tournament  was  on the 23rd  of  January. There  was  four teams… red ,blue, orange and green. The  tournament  was on in Villiars school. When we got there it was full of other schools. Each of our teams got to play 3-4 games . Two of ours played each other in the quarter-finals. In the end the Herbertstown orange team was successful. Herbertstown orange played St. Michael’s in the semi-finals. Unfortunately Herbertstown orange lost by 11-16. It was a great day for the school. And  they can’t wait to go again next year.

  By Chloe , Emma ,Emily.


RDS Primary Science Fair 2018

Ash – Is it the only suitable wood for the clash?


Our fourth class made the short journey into Limerick today to exhibit their project at the RDS Primary Science Fair in Mary Immaculate College. The children have been working on the project since October. Elements of the investigation involved a fieldtrip to hurley maker Ed Shanahan, identifying alternate woods for hurleys, testing the ‘new’ hurleys and interpreting the results.


The project was very well received by visitors to the Fair and huge credit is due to the pupils both for the effort they put into completing the investigation and also for the way they represented their school today. In a nice co-incidence, the judge assigned to our school was 18 time All Ireland winning camogie and football player Rena Buckley. The Cork legend gave some feedback to the class on the project and presented the pupils with an award for their hard work.


Here is the feedback received by the class:

The research question was both clear and catchy. The class predicted that the traditional timber, ash, would be best. It was obvious that huge thought was put into the design of this project, to test the various timbers in every aspect of the game of hurling/camogie. This was very impressive. The results of the tests were presented very clearly using a bar chart and the use of different colours to combine results of all the tests meant patterns were very easy to follow. The hurleys on display also contributed positively to the project. The discussion of the results and the preferences students relayed showed how each student contributed and enjoyed the project. This was a really impressive project which was excellent from both a science and interesting point of view – well done to all.

Some of fourth class at their stand

Former Limerick footballer and Mary Immaculate College Sports Officer John Reddington visiting our stand.

Our pupils with 2017 Rose of Tralee Jennifer Bryne

The class receiving their award from Cork star Rena Buckley.


Star Awards – December

Congratulations to our Star Award winners for December!

One pupil from each classroom was selected by their class teacher and the award winners were presented with certificates at today’s assembly. They were also given a night off homework for their efforts!

A busy December for Senior Infants and First

Well done to our musical statue champions – Clodagh and Harry

If Santa is in need of some extra help to deliver all the Christmas presents in Herbertstown…

DEAR- Drop Everything and Read time 

DEAR- Drop Everything and Read time 

DEAR- Drop Everything and Read time 

‘Christmas around the world’ – Thanks to Jack, Leon and Clodagh for sharing their Christmas show and tell 

Grace lifts the cup 

Katie lifts the cup

Leon and Alex marvel at the cup size

All Ireland Winners Visit School

Members of the Limerick panel who won the All Ireland U21 hurling championship visited the school this morning.


Limerick players Colin Ryan and Conor O’Grady (past pupil of Herbertstown NS) called to the school today with the Munster and All Ireland cups won by Limerick in 2017. There was great excitement as the  pupils had an opportunity to ask questions and hold the cups.

Thank you to Limerick GAA for facilitating the visit.

Pupils Call Mr. Gubbins in America

On Monday our pupils had a video call with last year’s third/fourth class teacher Mr Gubbins.


Mr. Gubbins is currently studying at West Chester University in Pennsylvania and the children had an opportunity to ask him questions about life in America. Topics included food, hobbies, travel, sight seeing and sport.