
GAA Rounders

GAA Rounders is one of the official GAA sports, along with Gaelic Football, Camogie, Ladies Football, Hurling and Handball. Rounders has been a GAA Sport from the origin of the GAA and was included in the original GAA Charter back in 1884.


Today, Michael Sheehan from GAA Rounders visited the school to take 3rd to 6th class through some of the basics of the game. Michael plans to visit the school once again next week to build on the start made today. The children really enjoyed running the bases and practising ball handling and teamwork. Rounders was once a popular sport in the school and in local community games and the hope is that with a better understanding of the rules the school will be in a position to promote the game properly.


Here are some photos from this afternoon.

New Sports Equipment!

Active School status is helped by our Active pupils.

The school have just purchased a wide variety of new sports equipment thanks to the funds generated by our pupils who participated in the UL Sport Kids Run for Fun. The equipment is varied and caters for many sports and physical activities. The new gear will benefit every pupil in the school from youngest to oldest. Thanks again to everyone that participated in April and made this purchase possible.

FAI Coaching

FAI Development Officer Barry McGann is currently coaching our pupils on Friday mornings.

The sessions are being thoroughly enjoyed by pupils from juniors to 6th class. They will serve as a great boost to interest in soccer in the school. In the coming weeks our pupils will take part in the Primary Futsal tournament in Cappamore. In the last term, our senior pupils will participate in the SPAR FAI Primary School 5s.


INTO Football Mini Sevens

Our pupils may only be back a short few weeks but they have been busy on the football field already. There has been some great attendances at both boys and girls after school training sessions.

On Monday our girls team travelled to Martinstown to compete in the South INTO mini football sevens. The boys attended their sevens tournament earlier today. Both teams put in some excellent performances and did the school  proud. It’s back to the training field again now ahead of the 11-a-side blitzes in a couple of weeks.