
The last of the Winter activities: 1st and 2nd Class

January may be quiet for some but not for 1st and 2nd class. What a busy end to the Winter season. 

PE Stations: 1st and 2nd Class

PE Stations: 1st and 2nd Class

PE Stations: 1st and 2nd Class

Dylan entertains us with an original tune. Well done 🙂

Making invitations for Grandparents Day

Making invitations for Grandparents Day

Rachel shares her great achievement with us. A new green belt. Well done 🙂PE Stations: 1st and 2nd Class

PE Stations: 1st and 2nd Class

PE Stations: 1st and 2nd Class

PE Stations: 1st and 2nd Class

Grandparents Day invitations 

Making Maths come to life: Measures 

Grandparents Day invitations

Limerick’s Heritage – Art Competition

Well done to Aisling Farrell and Nathan Conway Lane who have achieved success in the Limerick’s Heritage Art Competition. The competition was judged by representatives of Limerick City and County Council and Limerick Education Centre.


Aisling’s picture of King John’s Castle came second in the ‘Built Heritage’ category and Nathan’s picture of Lough Gur came third in the ‘Natural Heritage’ category. It was heartening to see the artistic talent of these pupils being recognised.


Well done!


art 1


Credit Union Quiz

Herbertstown NS sent three teams to compete in the annual Credit Union Quiz in the Millennium Centre in Caherconlish on Monday January 30th.


Two teams represented the school in the u13 category and gave excellent accounts of themselves.


Our u11 team were just pipped out on first place in their competition when they recorded a very impressive score to finish second.


Well done to everyone who took part!

Water Forum Day

A fun and fact filled day was had by Mrs Murphy and representatives of the Green Schools committee at a water forum day held in Adare.

Well done to staff and pupils of Herbertstown NS on the great work being done in an effort to save water and work towards achieving another green flag for saving water.

Front row: Mrs Murphy and three representatives of the Green Schools Comittee

RDS Primary Science Fair

Our fifth class pupils exhibited their project at the RDS Primary Science Fair in Mary Immaculate College today. The investigation, entitled ‘Which Tea Bag is best – Circular, square or pyramidal?’ was very well received by attendees of the fair. The children have been working on the project since before Christmas and were great ambassadors for the school in the exhibition centre today as they expertly fielded questions about their study. Below is the feedback they received from their judge  Paul Collins:

I loved the chosen question and how close to a lot of people’s hearts it is. It was amazing how many people were interested in the results before I got to chat to the children at the stand so the initial discovery of the question is great. The answers to my questions were treated with very clear and concise responses. The charts were laid out well and organised. Getting the local community involved was an excellent approach of getting information and providing free tea in the process. A great use of methods and visual presentations -charts/videos and weighing the product – the weight stood out to me in the comparisons of brewing times. All I say say is keep up the great work and the use of your inventive methods. Well done.”


The children were able to view some of the other projects on display and spent some time observing scientific demonstrations and experiments. They were presented with an award for their hard work on the project shortly before the end of the Fair.


If you want to find out more about the results of the project, please call into the school where it will be on display in the coming months.

Minister of State for Tourism & Sport, Patrick O’Donovan, viewing the project.


Broadcaster George Hook, a big Barry’s Tea fan, asks questions of our pupils.



A busy December for 1st and 2nd Class

Groupwork: SESE project – discovering another country

Groupwork: SESE project – discovering another country

Groupwork: SESE project – discovering another country

Groupwork: SESE project – discovering another country

Groupwork: SESE project – discovering another country

Groupwork: SESE project – discovering another country

Christmas art

Santa comes to visit

Solving the class jigsaws

Solving the class jigsaws

Solving the class jigsaws

Solving the class jigsaws

Solving the class jigsaws

Christmas Shows

Well done to all our pupils who put on fantastic shows, both at Monday’s matinee performance and on Tuesday evening. There were memorable performances throughout and great credit is due to the children for all their hard work in the last few weeks.


Well done to Mrs. Murphy, Ms. O’Dwyer and Ms. Davis who produced the shows and a big thank you to the Parents’ Association for their help over the two days. Thanks also to everyone who attended, provided prizes for the raffle and helped with costumes and sets.