
Brown Change Collection – Guess the Value Competition

The Parents Association arranged for a Brown Change Collection in aid of the upgrade of our playground markings fund. The children, staff etc collected brown change since Easter.

When the bottle was full, Olivia and Caoimhe B, 5th Class, ran a ‘Guess how much?’ competition every morning and break time. They raised €44 from their 20c a guess competition.

On Wednesday 1st June Fr. Jimmy brought his coin counting machine to school and the count began. The children were very eager to watch the total grow as the prize for the closest guess was a chocolate hamper filled with goodies!

The final total was €143.39. Riain (2nd) won the hamper with his guess of €150! Well done Riain!

Thank you to all who contributed.



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U.L. Kids Run & Great Limerick Run

U.L. Sport Kids Run & Great Limerick Run

Well done to everyone who participated in the U.L. Sport Kids Run and the Great Limerick Run. The school was very well represented between pupils, staff and family members taking part. A huge thank you also to our pupils who, thanks to their participation in the kids run, raised €245 for the school!


Mackey Cup

Mackey Cup returns to the South


Congratulations to Seán Murnane and Aaron Hanley who played on the South Limerick team which won the Mackey Cup in the Gaelic Grounds recently. The boys played in both the semi-final (where the South defeated the East) and final (where the South edged a close game with the City).

They join a select group of past pupils of the school with Mackey Cup medals. (that group includes Killian O’Shea, Oisín O’Grady, Dermot Breen and Mike Bermingham)

If anyone knows of other past pupils who have won Mackey Cup medals, we would love to give them a mention here.

A Fruit Filled Day

A number of children from different classes made super smoothies. The children had great ideas for recipes and created many delicious smoothies, using different fruits including strawberries, blueberries and plums.

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INTO Mini Sevens

INTO Sevens

INTO Mini Sevens

The INTO Mini Sevens team represented the South in UL where they narrowly lost out to Doon CBS and Milford NS and picked up a convincing win against Courtenay NS. Thanks to the great performance, Adam Boyle will get to be a referee in a mini-sevens game in Croke Park at half time during the All Ireland hurling semi-final in August.