
Limerick Primary Schools Athletics

48 athletes from Herbertstown NS took to the track in UL on Wednesday at the Limerick Primary Schools athletics.

Pupils took part in a range of events from 80 metre races to 400 metre races, long jump and relays.

After all the events were completed, both our girls’ and boys’ teams finished very close second in both categories.

Well done to everyone that took part and a big thank you to all who supported the school on the day with transport.

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the boys and girls in second class who received their First Holy Communion today.

Special thanks to everyone who helped the boys and girls get ready for their big day, especially, Mr Martin Franklin, Breda Kennedy & Louise Morris. Also, well done to the choir and Ms Barry who added to the occasion with the lovely music. Thank you too to Fr Seán for the lovely ceremony.

Rescue 115 Helicopter Visits Herbertstown NS

Huge excitement greeted the arrival of the Irish Coastguard helicopter, Rescue 115, to Herbertstown today. 

After a few cancellations due to the busy nature of the helicopter’s role, loud cheers went up from the school’s pupils as the helicopter came into view coming from Lough Gur’s direction. After circling Anthony Baggott Park, the huge machine landed. The crew were enormously generous with their time as they allowed all the children present to board the helicopter and answered the many questions they had. They also explained the important jobs the helicopter is tasked with on an almost daily basis and gave the children tips about staying safe when in the outdoors. One of the four crew was Bruff native and winchman Robbie Moloney. To add to what was an already spectacular experience for the children, before departure, the helicopter took off and winched Robbie from the ground before it sped off into the distance. A day that will live long in the memory for all present.

All Ireland Olympic Handball Finals

Our girls travelled to Gormanstown College in County Meath last Thursday to represent Limerick at the All Ireland Olympic Handball Finals.

An early 6:30am departure from Herbertstown did not quell the excitement on the trip and the bus arrived at the venue around 10am.

In a group of three, Herbertstown first played Rush NS from Co. Dublin. The girls led at half time in this game but, as is the nature of this fast paced sport, some quick goals turned the tide and the game ended in a defeat, 6 goals to 4.

That meant that a win was required in the second group game against St. Paul’s Ratoath. This game was an excellent example of how exciting Olympic Handball can be, with end to end action and high skills on display throughout. Despite a terrific display right to final moments where the Ratoath goalkeeper blocked 2 or 3 great shots, a 3-3 draw was not enough for Herbertstown to move forward in the competition.

A bonus game against Fermoyle NS of Co. Longford, who had also been knocked out, gave us one further game where our girls ran out convincing winners.

As it happened, St. Pauls, Ratoath NS went on and won the All Ireland title later that afternoon.

The girls were fantastic ambassadors for the school and County Limerick throughout the day and deserve huge credit for their achievements this year in Olympic Handball.

ALDI Posters completed

A sincere thanks to everyone who helped us with collecting ALDI Play Rugby stickers over the past few months. The competition ends this weekend and we have now filled the last poster we have here in the school. In all, we collected enough stickers to fill an amazing 8 posters. Each poster will give the school an extra entry into the draw for €50,000 and we will at the very least have secured new  PE equipment for the school.

County INTO Mini 7s Finals

Well done to our girls who represented South Limerick in the county finals of the INTO Mini 7s camogie.

Herbertstown picked up a win in the first game against Crecora NS. Two defeats followed to strong opposition in Ballybrown NS and Killoughteen NS. The West champions Killoughteen were overall winners on the day.

A great experience for the girls and another memorable outing for them.

The next items on the Cumann na mBunscol calendar for the school teams will be the Roinn A hurling and football blitzes in May.

6th Class Pupils Banner

The school received a request from Hospital/Herbertstown GAA club to create a banner for their dog in the Con & Annie Kirby Memorial Stakes.

6th class worked hard either side of the Easter holidays to come up with an idea for the poster and to get it completed in time for this weekend’s final where there will be a parade of banners.

The class have created an excellent banner and we wish Hospital/Herbertstown and their dog, Ryhope Beach, all the best in the final on Friday night.

FAI Primary 5s Semi-Finals

Our boys’ and girls’ teams travelled to Corbally yesterday to take part in the semi-finals of the Limerick FAI Primary 5s competition.

The boys won their first game and drew their second game. Unfortunately, they were eliminated from the competition on goal difference despite being unbeaten throughout the whole event.

The girls won both of their games which secured their place in the County Final next Wednesday.

Well done to both teams on great performances across the whole competition.