Lough Gur Heritage Centre welcomed the Blackrock Castle Observatory team on March 9th to facilitate a primary school workshop for Engineers Week 2017.
The pupils of our third and fourth class attended and worked on producing electrical circuits.
Lough Gur Heritage Centre welcomed the Blackrock Castle Observatory team on March 9th to facilitate a primary school workshop for Engineers Week 2017.
The pupils of our third and fourth class attended and worked on producing electrical circuits.
During February and March 1st class did fantastic projects based on Mexico and Australia.
The yard in school was turned into the coliseum for one day only last week! 3rd and 4th class designed their own shields and took part in a mock battle just as the Romans would have done. The children became true gladiators decorating their shields, practicing moving with their legions in the turtle formation and attacking the other legions with bean bags. Unfortunately, the rain brought a swift end to the gladiator battle but everyone had lots of fun!
The pupils of Herbertstown NS joined other choirs from the mid west and the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland last night for Peace Proms Limerick 2017.
In a spectacular show, the audience were treated to some classic songs which included Heal the World, You’re the Voice, Best Day of My Life and Ireland’s Call. The orchestra also performed versions of the Star Wars theme and a medley of 90s Dance tracks.
It was a truly memorable night and the children did the school proud.
On Monday, pupils from the senior classroom travelled to Limerick to participate in a Spikeball blitz in the Villiers school in Limerick.
On Tuesday, the girls were in camogie action in Martinstown.
Third and fourth class have been keeping their maths eyes peeled this week for symmetry. We went on a symmetry hunt around the school and found lots of cool examples of symmetry all around us. Have a look at some of the things we found!
In February, Ms O’ Dwyer’s class had a fun-filled Friday when they displayed their talents to their classmates. Comedians, artists, musicians, gymnasts, singers, actors, sports stars and bakers entertained us! The future is bright for these superstars!
During February, Senior Infants and 1st class visited Pat and Elaine Barry’s farm to see the new calves. The children really enjoyed the visit. The future of dairy farming in Herbertstown is safe!
Junior Infants enjoying the snow!
A visit to the water tower