Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Team Hope Shoebox  Appeal


3rd and 4th class have been learning about Team Hope’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal and the children it benefits. We set ourselves the target of filling two shoeboxes as a class – one for a girl and one for a boy our own age. Anyone who could brought in an item or two for the boxes and we were delighted to find out that we had brought in enough toys, clothes, stationery, games and toiletries to fill 8 boxes! These shoeboxes will be winging their way to children in need in Africa and Eastern Europe in the coming weeks thanks to the generosity of our class.


Halloween Traditions with 1st and 2nd Class

First and Second class had great fun learning about games, tales and traditions at Halloween. We played the saucer challenge; whereby choosing the plate with a rag meant one would be poor in the future, a ring showed marriage would be on the agenda, a coin meant one would have great wealth, and water meant one would travel the world. It appears the future of Herbertstown looks bright with much wealth, marriages and trips abroad!!!






Halloween Hunt 2016

Ghoulish frights awaited anyone who dared to venture outside last Friday as the pupils of Herbertstown NS went on a Halloween themed orienteering exercise on the schools grounds. The variety of costumes on show made it a great spectacle!



Halloween Art

The school’s walls are starting to fill up with Halloween art!


3rd and 4th class created some spooky painted skeletons using cotton buds as paintbrushes. Some of us even decided to make X-rays of our hands!

5th & 6th created some Halloween at dusk paintings.

5th & 6th also had some fun creating some slime using cornflour, water and food colouring.

Here are some of the pumpkins on display in the junior infant classroom.

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Third & Fourth Class Herbertstown Projects

Exploring Herbertstown


The 3rd and 4th class have been very busy for the past 2 weeks collecting and presenting their group work projects on Herbertstown. We found out some really interesting facts about our local area, carefully drew maps of the main street and even made some models of different parts of the village! The projects are now on display in the school corridor – feel free to have a look when passing.


Space Week!

Herbertstown became a mini-Cape Canaveral on Thursday with the launch of 10 bottle rockets!


To celebrate Space Week, the fifth and sixth class pupils designed and created bottle rockets in anticipation of Thursday’s launch date. The pupils had studied the space race earlier in the week and some of the designs took on an ‘Apollo’ theme. Others took a more original approach. In all, 10 groups created rockets.  The rockets were crafted using a 2 litre drinks bottle which was then adapted to meet the design of each group.


Here’s the science bit:

The rockets need to be half filled with water before a hose is fixed to them. Air is pumped into the bottle until the air pressure inside the bottle becomes too great. This pressure forces the bottle’s cap to release and the force of the escaping air & water helps the rocket to beat gravity and take flight.


On Thursday, members of third and fourth class were asked to give each rocket a score based on its design and then its performance in flight. The entire school came out to watch each rocket being launched and there was great excitement at each ‘lift off’! Congratulations to Group 1, who had the best overall score for their rocket.
