
1st & 2nd class have spent the last few weeks watching the seeds they planted grow into plants. Today, to kick off Biodiversity Week, they planted one plant into each of the raised beds in the school garden with the hope that each class will have a pumpkin of their own next October in time for Halloween.

Any visitors to the HDA carpark will be able to watch them grow over the next few months.

Earth Day

Herbertstown NS marked Earth Day in different ways as seen in these photos.

The Infants took part in a scavenger hunt, made art with nature and did some planting in the garden.

1st & 2nd Class planted some pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

3rd & 4th class explored the school grounds and signed an ‘Earth Day’ Pledge.

School Garden

Our school garden has been beautifully transformed thanks to the hard work of Louise and Breda.

It is well worth stopping by to have a look at what will be a lovely space for the school children to use.

Traffic Lights

The pupils of first and second class got to use the new traffic lights in Herbertstown on Monday. This will provide a safe crossing point for school children when heading up the street to the hall or the church.

Green Schools Update

Our Green Schools Committee have been very busy of late!

Niall building our Bike Rack.
Litter Legion hard at work during break time.
Clean Air Poster encouraging people to switch off their engines in the school carpark.
A Water Warden fetching recycled rain water for Art class.