Hospital/Herbertstown U12s Bring Harry Greensmyth Cup to School

The pupils who were involved in the blitz last Saturday brought the Harry Greensmyth Perpetual Cup to the school this week.

The cup was awarded to Hospital/Herbertstown following a very entertaining blitz in Hospital. Harry was also remembered earlier in the year by the awarding of a cup to the winners of the South Limerick Primary Schools 3rd & 4th class tournament.

It was great to have the two cups present in the school as Harry was so heavily involved in coaching both in the club and the school.

Star Award – September

Congratulations to our Star Award winners for September! One pupil from each classroom was selected by their class teacher and the award winners were presented with certificates at today’s assembly. They were also given a night off homework for their efforts!

An extra award, decided on by Ms O’Dwyer and Mrs. Brosnan, is presented to pupils for a particular act of kindness or to pupils who have completed an exemplary piece of work in school. Well done to the latest recipient of this award.

Cross Country Trials

Well done to everyone who took part in our Cross Country trials this morning in testing conditions.

The level of effort and determination shown by all participants was very high in what was a new type of event for the majority of our pupils.

A team will now be drawn up to represent the school at the Limerick Primary Schools Cross Country event in October.

Crystal Drop Workshop – Fourth Class

Martin and Louise from SSPC came to the school on Wednesday morning to for a workshop which featured a talk about crystals and also saw the children getting the chance to design and make a device which could safely ‘drop’ a crystal to the ground.

The boys and girls had a great time designing their devices and then working in small groups to construct their design using a finite set of resources.

The gallery and videos below show the children working on their designs and also testing them when completed.

Exploring School Grounds for fruit/seeds

4th & 5th class explore the local school environment for examples of fruit & seeds which would be a food source for birds and other wildlife.

The children found examples of blackberries and ‘haws’ and learned about blackberry bushes and hawthorn trees. We also looked at seed dispersal and the importance of birds to this process. Wind dispersal was also discussed and the sycamore tree on the school grounds allowed everyone to look at ‘helicopters’ and how they can be carried by the wind.