Busy Times in 3rd & 4th Class

3rd and 4th have been busy on many fronts in recent times, here are two of the activities they have been working on.


Last October, the class harvested seeds from the classroom Jack o’Lantern. In the last few weeks they have planted the seeds and watched them sprout into shoots and grow leaves. Today, they moved the plants into bigger pots to give them more room.


The Normans

They also continued their study of the Normans and castles through their artwork. They used a foam/glue/paint combination to create a 3D effect castle.

This followed a previous art activity where they created a Norman knight. The excitement now builds ahead of their school tour to King John’s Castle next week!

Star Awards – April

Congratulations to our Star Award winners for April!

One pupil from each classroom was selected by their class teacher and the award winners were presented with certificates at today’s assembly.

They were also given a night off homework for their efforts!

After School Training

After school hurling continues on Thursday afternoons.


Local club hurler Michael Whelan was on hand yesterday to assist in after school hurling training and as a result 30  pupils where hurling on a nice spring afternoon.


A welcome visitor to the training session was the County Under 21 Cup which Michael won with Hospital/Herbertstown on the previous Saturday night.


Success for Senior Quiz Team

Congratulations to our senior quiz team.

The team, made up of pupils from fifth and sixth class were victorious at the Primary School Quiz in Doon on March 22nd. This follows on from their equally impressive performance at the Community Games. Well done one and all.