South Primary Schools Handball 2018

Herbertstown NS pupils show off their handball skills.


Well done to the four pupils who represented the school today in the South Limerick Primary Schools Handball event hosted by John the Baptist CS. The boys played some great handball and are making great progress in the game. Two pupils came home with South medals in a very competitive U11 division. Congratulations boys.

GAA 5 Star Centre

What is the GAA 5 Star Centre?

The GAA 5 Star initiative aims to support and recognise Primary Schools that provide pupils with 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous Gaelic Games activity per week in a manner that ensures the children will experience fun, friendship, fairness and ultimately improve their fitness.  Recognition as a “GAA 5 Star Centre” is awarded to Primary Schools that undertake to deliver a programme of Gaelic Games activity that is age-appropriate and meets the developmental needs of children within the school.


Herbertstown NS is one of  a number of schools accepted to pilot this new initiative from the GAA and so far this year we have been making progress on a number of areas. For the next 6 weeks, 3rd & 4th class and 5th & 6th class will be focusing on the ‘Have a Ball’ and ‘Strike It’ elements of the initiative.


Here are some photos of the pupils taking part in some activities earlier today.