Have a look at the terrific tessellations which third class created!

3rd & 4th Class explored the school grounds recently on a ‘Shape Scavenger Hunt’ which was designed by a pupil in the room.
4th/5th class helped to further their understanding of 2D shapes through some fun maths stations this week.
After a bit of cutting and folding, the children were left with a fun resource to help test their friends on their tables with. Other hands-on maths activities during maths this week included using lollipop sticks to make groups and knock-out oral maths games.
The plaque recognises schools who foster interest in science, technology, engineering and maths. Well done to all our pupils and staff who worked hard to achieve this prestigious award.
Third and fourth class have been keeping their maths eyes peeled this week for symmetry. We went on a symmetry hunt around the school and found lots of cool examples of symmetry all around us. Have a look at some of the things we found!