Programming, or Coding, is simply the way people tell a computer what to do using instructions that the computer understands.
The sixth class are gaining experience in this area using the ‘Lightbot’ app on the school’s iPads.
The sixth class are gaining experience in this area using the ‘Lightbot’ app on the school’s iPads.
Their work over the course of the year included encouraging wellbeing within the outdoor classroom, learning where your food comes from and how to support Irish, as well as learning how to grow, cook and eat your own food!
The iPads were purchased using the proceeds from the sale of Christmas Cards and Christmas Annuals.
Thank you to all parents for your support.
Some amazing lengths were reached and after some careful measuring the winning streamer’s creator was awarded his prize.
Mrs Heelan’s class constructed spaghetti bridges as part of Science Week. They had to be 30cm long and be able to support a weight of 200g.
They created some excellent bridges!
1st & 2nd class created cornflour slime during Science Week and had great fun investigating how it can change from liquid to briefly solid when moved quickly.
Last spring, the 1st & 2nd class planted pumpkins in each of the 5 classroom raised beds in the school garden. Only one plant grew a large pumpkin and it just happened to be our own classroom’s. We used it to make a Jack O’Lantern for our window.
1st & 2nd class also gathered sunflower seeds from the school’s sunflowers and have stored them for planting next spring.
The third and fourth class pupils recently investigated the importance of good hand washing and the results are clear to see in the photos below. The washing techniques which were compared were: ‘splash & dash’, ‘quick wash’ and ‘hospital wash’.
Mr Franklin’s class were challenged with creating the tallest ‘skyscraper’ possible using newspaper. Some fantastic constructions were created with groups with the highest skyscrapers reaching the dizzying heights of 47 and 45 inches!
3rd & 4th class completed an excellent investigation in their room last week. You can read about it in these write ups: